Web-based front- and backend for PDB2Movie scripts (c) 2018


Submission information

Email address

PDB file

  • Select and upload a protein data bank (PDB) file (.pdb format only). The file will be discarded after completion of your submission request.

  • Simulation parameter

  • Number of conformers to be calculated for each mode.
  • Step size after which intermediate conformers are saved as output.
  • Size of random intial step.
  • Size of direct step.
  • List of molecules to keep from being deleted by algorithm.
  • List of flexibility modes to investigate.
  • Energy cutoff values.

  • 300 Characters Left.

    Output preferences

  • Upload (optional) PYMol video formatting statements (.py file)
  • Choose resolution of generated videos

  • Submit

    Privacy statement

    This form is anonymous but collects your submitted email address. We keep a list of such email addresses to judge the impact and usage of this service. We might every few years contact you on this email to ask for feedback (in terms of REF preperation). No data which personally identifies you is collected by the form. The scientific data you provide is used solely to simulate the dynamics and flexibility of proteins as requested by you.